Revenue Reduces Administrative Burden on Business by 25%?
A report published by Revenue on the 18th July 2012 shows that Revenue has reduced the administrative burden on businesses by 25%, saving businesses over €85 million a year.
Having identified 62 of the most burdensome information obligations, interviews were held with 51 businesses and agents to establish the time and cost associated with these obligations. The measurement was carried out in accordance with the internationally accepted Standard Cost Model, and was overseen and validated by external consultants in the context of the commitment made by Government in March 2008.
The main initiatives which led to the 25% burden reduction:
Reduced […]
Revenue Email Scam
The Revenue Commissioners have become aware of further fraudulent emails purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund. These phishing emails are headed ‘Irish Tax and Customs Online Confirmation’ and ‘Irish Tax and Customs Notification’. A link opens up a form seeking personal information.
These emails did not issue from Revenue.
The Revenue Commissioners never send emails requiring customers to send personal information via email or pop-up windows.
Make Tax Payments By Credit Card on ROS
A facility to pay tax by credfit card (limited to VISA and MasterCard) to Revenue using the Revenue On-Line Service (ROS) is now available. A person wishing to pay by credit card via ROS must pay a transaction charge, of 1.49% of the value of the payment. This charge is purely related to third party fees incurred by Revenue, in the provision of this service.
Debit, Laser and Credit card details are now validated on ROS in real time. Revenue has engaged the services of a Payments Gateway, to provide for the real time authorisation of such card details […]
SEPA electronic payments software
Ardbrook now has a version of our PayCE (Direct Debit, Direct Credit) software available which can create SEPA ( Single European Payment Area ) Credit transfers (SCT). SEPA will enable customers to make cashless euro payments to anyone located anywhere in the area using only a single bank account and a single set of payment instruments, this means that for example payments can be made from using an irish bank account to any bank account in counties covered by SEPA.
SEPA consists of 33 countries:
the 17 members of European Economic Area (EEA) and EU that are in the […]
ROS & website Availabilty
It has been announced that to allow for an essential upgrade on Monday 30th July 2012, the following online Revenue services will be unavailable at the date and times listed.
On Monday 30th July 2012: from 18:00 to 18:30
All ROS Business transactions (through from 18:00 to 20:30
All PAYE Anytime transactions (through from 18:00 to 20:30
All VRT/Transit transactions (through from 18:00 to 20:30
All AEP customs transactions (through from 18:00 to 20:30
Updated USC FAQ’s
An updated version (26 July 2012) of the USC FAQs has now been published on the Revenue website at
Which now answers
Is the USC covered by our Double Taxation Agreements?
Is income receivable by an individual under a Deed of Covenant liable to the Universal Social Charge?
Mandatory Sick Pay Scheme Proposed
The Minister for Social Protection has proposed the introduction of a Mandatory Sick Pay Scheme, whereby the employer will be obliged to pay the equivalent of the State Sick Pay for the first 4 weeks of any sick leave for all employees. Its aim is to reduce the cost of funding Illness Benefit which is currently paid by the DSP to eligible employees while they are on sick leave. An increase in employers PRSI has also been proposed.
Both these measures will place a increased financial burden all employers but especially on smaller employers who currently do […]
Taxation of Illness Benefit
Previously some Employers adjusted Cut-Offs by the amount of taxable illness benefit. From 1st January 2012 Employers must include the taxable Illness Benefit with the employee’s earnings and subject the taxable Illness Benefit to PAYE but no PRSI or USC applies. For further details on what this means for Irish payroll administrators click on the following link
Revenue have already modified the 2012 P35 XML return file to show earnings inclusive of taxable Illness Benefit and a new dedicated field for taxable Illness Benefit. For payroll this means that illness benefit must now have a […]
Revenue To Collect New Property Tax
It was announced Today that the Revenue Commissioners will collect the New Property Tax to be introduced next year which will replace the Household charge. It will be at least October before further details on property tax rates will be available.
The unanswered question is, does this mean that the property tax will be deducted directly from the wages of PAYE employees?