Validates the accuracy of any BIC / IBAN or sort code / bank account number combination, for the clearing banks within the Republic of Ireland.

Modulus Checker is software developed by Ardbrook Limited and, with our unrivalled 25 year experience of the Irish Banking sector that enables the user to validate the accuracy of any sort code / bank account number combination, for the clearing banks within the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland; Credit Unions and most other non-associated banks. This is achieved by running in reverse the internal algorithms of each of the clearing banks on the sort code / bank account numbered entered. Each of the clearing banks within the Republic of Ireland has developed it’s own algorithms to validate the existence of a sort code / account number within their individual branch networks.
The purpose of Modulus Checker is to ensure that when electronic files are sent to the banks there is an absolute minimum of user input errors, regarding non-existent sort code and account number combinations, thus dramatically reducing the number of returned payments, and consequently and importantly reducing bank charges.
Modulus Checker is available in two versions and both contain a complete user-maintainable database of all bank branches within the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
As an on-screen “floater”, it allows the user to key in a sort code and account number combination and the software will immediately validate, giving a pass or fail verdict.
There are two DLL versions available, .NET or Active X. As a DLL, it allows the user to call the validation routines within Modulus Checker directly from within their own software. This necessitates a software change to be made to in-house systems to allow for immediate validation, on the input of a sort code bank account number combination through an automatic call being made to the DLL. Then a pass or fail verdict is returned to the user.